Archive for March 2025

Swedish Hams for Easter!

Yes, we are making Swedish Hams for Easter!

What is a Swedish Ham?  They are raw, mildly salted and cured, boneless, skin-on hams. We salt and hand-tie each ham in our kitchen so it is ready to take home and bake. Before baking, they look like this (Half size shown):

The Swedish Ham is traditionally prepared with a mustard, bread crumb topping.  However, it tastes fantastic with no topping at all, or with a sweet or savoury glaze (ex: apricot jam, brown sugar + grainy mustard, ginger jam, etc).  Cooking instructions are provided with each ham and they are also available on our website here.  A fully cooked and glazed ham looks like this (Half size shown):

Ordering / Pickup To reserve a Swedish Ham, you can order online (here) or call our store at 604-327-7407.  Payment is made at time of pick-up. Swedish Hams will be available for pick-up between Thursday, April 17th and Sunday, April 20th.

Size / Cost The Swedish ham comes in two sizes:

  1. Full ham (approx. 10lbs) – typically feeds 10 – 12 adults.  Easter 2025 price is $7.60/lb.
  2. Half ham (approx. 5lbs) – typically feeds 4 – 8 adults.  Easter 2025 price is $8.25/lb.

If you have questions, please do not hesitate to call our store at 604-327-7407. Bon appetit!